7 Tips for Moving During the Holidays

With summer winding down, and fall right around the corner, the holidays are practically upon us. And for some of us, changes are also in the air when it comes to moving to a new apartment.  If you’re one of those that choose to move during the holiday season, then there are a few things you can do to make the move a bit less stressful. There’s no need to lose your holiday cheer over the move, if you go about it the right way.

7 Tips for Moving During the Holidays

  1. Start Packing Early – Moving is a lot of work, and you already know that. Start packing early so that you can avoid more stress closer to the actual move date. As early as you possibly can, start packing and organizing to keep ahead of the game. With a lot of the packing done and finished, you can spend some guilt-free time enjoying the holidays with your loved ones and not stress over how much left you have to do.
  2. Dine Out – Chances are, you’ve packed most of your kitchen paraphernalia away, and don’t have the tools necessary for your usual holiday feasts. Big family dinners can be nice, and should be treasured at any other holiday time, but trying for one during a move is just calling for stress. Don’t feel guilty if you decide to have a feast at a restaurant this year. Invite your family and enjoy the time with them; it’s not the food that makes the memories after all.
  3. Keep it Simple – Scale it down a bit this year. Stick with your main traditions, but keep the decorations and presents to a minimum. You don’t need to go all out to have the holiday cheer in your house. Play holiday music and bake some seasonal cookies and breads. Add a bow or two to your moving boxes if the piles start getting to you. A little festivity doesn’t hurt, but don’t stress over the lack of time or energy to decorate.
  4. Decorate Your Move – Going along with keeping it simple, have items that can be easily set up and put away. A small Christmas tree, or perhaps a door wreath. These items can make any home feel more in the holiday spirit, and don’t take much effort to pack up and move to a new location. Take some holiday cheerfulness on your drive as well, if you’re going to be spending a long time in the car during the move. Make it a festive, fun move but don’t allow yourself to stress out too much over it.
  5. Hire a Moving Company – Planning to move is stressful any time of the year. Planning it during the holidays is even more so; so take a load off and hire a moving company to do the work for you. Packing that could take you weeks can be done in one or two days by the professionals, and everything is packed and stored in a orderly, careful manner so as not to be damaged. Plus, you don’t even have to worry about your belongings getting to your new place, if your moving company is there to make the move with you. This is one of the best ways to make a move at any time of the year, but during the holidays it’s the greatest way to keep the stress away.
  6. Keep In Touch – Let people know where you’re going. The holidays are no time to be out of reach of family and friends. Try not to ever be out of touch of someone during the holiday season, especially if you’re making a move at the time.
  7. Explore – You wouldn’t be the only one that didn’t want to spend the holidays somewhere foreign to them. Don’t let it get to you, and don’t feel obligated to unpack right away. Explore your new town or city. Get to know people, attend holiday events. Let yourself feel the holiday spirit that surrounds you, despite not being familiar with the place itself.

Don’t let a move ruin your holidays. Follow these tips and you’ll have a delightful season despite what could be a stressful time. Moving should never have to take precedence over family and fun. So remember: Have a safe move, a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year. If you’re looking to move during this upcoming holiday season, feel free to contact us and we’ll help you get on your way.

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