5 Tips for Holding a Successful Pre-Move Garage Sale
If you’re considering moving, it’s never too early to remove your unwanted items. A pre-move garage sale can bring in extra cash to help with your move, and it can also be an opportunity to get rid of things you don’t want or need in the long run, so you don’t have to worry about them when it comes time to move.

Follow these tips for holding a successful pre-move garage sale, and you’ll have a great start toward moving on from your old place and moving into your new one!
1) Get Organized
Before you can even think about having a garage sale, you need to get organized. That means going through all your stuff and deciding what you want to keep, what you want to sell, and what you want to donate or throw away. Once you’ve sorted everything out, it’s time to start pricing things. A good rule of thumb is to price items at about 25% of their original value.
2) Set Your Prices
Before putting price tags on items, research what similar items are selling for at garage sales and online. You don’t want to underprice your items and leave money on the table, but you also don’t want to overprice and scare away potential buyers. Once you know what things are worth, start setting your prices.
3) Display Items Attractively
You don’t want your potential customers to feel like they’re rummaging through a pile of junk, so take the time to arrange your items attractively. If you have more oversized items, like furniture, set them up in the yard or driveway so they’re easy to see. And be sure to price everything!
4) Advertise Early
Place ads in local newspapers and online classifieds sites at least two weeks in advance. This will give people time to plan their schedules around your sale. It would help if you also put signs around the neighborhood a few days before the sale.
5) Make sure everything is priced:
Have a pricing strategy in mind before the sale starts. Most people will haggle, so it’s important to start high and be willing to come down on your prices. Have a sharpie handy to mark down prices as items sell.
6) Have Fun!
One of the best things about garage sales is that they can be a lot of fun—both for the people having them and the people shopping at them. You’ll indeed have a good time if you approach your sale with the right attitude.
Here are a few tips to ensure your garage sale is successful and enjoyable. Setup shop in an area with plenty of space: The more room you have, the more likely people will stop by your sale. It also means that people won’t feel rushed or claustrophobic if they decide to browse around before purchasing anything.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know how to have a successful garage sale, it’s time to start! Gather up your unwanted items and start pricing them. Be sure to advertise your sale in advance so people know when and where to find it. And on the day of the sale, be prepared for a busy day! With these tips in mind, you can have a successful garage sale.
Contact us today or visit our website or follow us on Twitter to learn more about everything Brown Box Movers has to offer. We’re ready to take care of all your moving needs!